Food Pantry
The University Cluster Food Pantry is located at St. Luke’s CLC. When arriving, please head to towards the back of the parking lot. The door to the food pantry is on the side , by the grassy area. It provides a four-day supply of food to each person in a family, serving an average of 100 families per month. The food pantry is open the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 9:30 until 12:00 noon. We serve mainly the residents of the nearby zip codes of 38111, 38114, and 38117, but accept all in need who come. Please bring your identification.
Ten to twelve volunteers work on Tuesdays and Thursdays to stock shelves and fill sacks. Our sponsor churches contribute food, money and volunteers for the pantry. Monetary donations are used to purchase food at the Mid-South Food Bank and local stores.