Cub Scouts
Pack 40 is a family friendly Pack open to boys or girls in Kindergarten through 5 th grade, that meets
Monday nights from 6:30-7:30 PM during the school year. We enjoy camping, hiking, and other outdoor
activities. Some of the field trips we have done are fire station visits, police station visits, Talladega
Nascar Race and more!
Lisa St.Gelais is the Cub Master. Contact information is 901-230-9174
BSA Scouts
BSA Troop 40 is the oldest continuously charted BSA Scout Troop in Memphis, since 1927.
Boys ages 10– 18 meet Tuesday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 pm year-round in the Scout Hut
located to the East of the Christian Life Center. We go camping throughout the year, including
a week of summer camp at Kia Kima Scout Reservation in Hardy, AR. Scouts learn valuable life skills
such as first aid, cooking, knot tying and more. Scouts have the opportunity to earn any of the 138 merit
badges that are currently offered ina variety of areas of interest such as Swimming, Archery, Aviation,
Veterinary Medicine and many more.Jonathan St.Gelais is the Scout Master.
Contact information is 901-508-7207