For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
Adopt-a-School: This is a program by which the school (Sherwood Elementary) and St. Luke’s work together to promote academic achievement and personal growth of students. This program works with the school Guidance counselor to find out the needs of the students. Volunteers are needed to tutor children and to be proctors. Volunteers are also needed to act as liaisons, between the school and the congregation, and to help organize opportunities for the congregation to give supplies and clothing. To volunteer or for more information, contact Bette Colter at
Prayer Shawl Ministry: This ministry is geared to people who knit or crochet or who want to know how; it is for all ages and genders. We knit or crochet shawls that are given to our home-bound members or other persons in need of a little TLC from the congregation. Each shawl carries a printed prayer for those who receive them; shawls are dedicated to the glory of God in a worship service before being distributed. For more information, contact Pat Anderson at
Sewing Ministry: Sit & Sew Sewing Ministry - offers sewing lessons for learning to make garments thru classes, videos and one on one teaching. .Machines, fabric, and sewing supplies are on hand to be used as needed.The classes meet on Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 1:30pm to 5:30pm in Creative Spaces, Rm 103 (Gym). There are no set fees. In lieu of payment for lessons, donations to St Luke's UMC are accepted in whatever amount the student chooses. This is a ministry.
Also, the ministry includes any sewing needed by the church and emergency repairs (choir robe zippers, hems, ripped sleeves) with short notice any day of the week. Those who request prayer or are on the Connector List are contacted with a prayer, scripture, and a momento to remind them of God's love.
Also, the ministry includes any sewing needed by the church and emergency repairs (choir robe zippers, hems, ripped sleeves) with short notice any day of the week. Those who request prayer or are on the Connector List are contacted with a prayer, scripture, and a momento to remind them of God's love.
For more information or to sign up for lessons, please contact Margaret "Marty" Cobb at 901-277-4345 or email her at
Transportation Ministry: The transportation ministry offers transportation for Sunday School and worship on Sunday mornings. Anyone needing transportation should call the church office prior to Friday morning. Transportation is also provided for other events as need arises. To volunteer or for more information should contact Warren Morrison at 901-323-7446.